Commitment to Nondiscrimination

皇冠体育致力于为所有员工提供平等的就业和教育机会, students, and applicants. 任何雇员或学生不得因种族而受到歧视或骚扰, color, natural or protective hairstyles, age (40 and over), sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin or characteristics, national origin or shared ancestry, veteran status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, membership in Uniformed Services, or any category protected by applicable state and federal laws. 同样的原则也适用于有关女性申请者的录取政策和做法. Similarly, 皇冠体育致力于使其项目和校园无障碍,并遵守所有适用的非歧视法律.

Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, 根据联邦法律,某种形式的性别歧视是非法的吗, 包括1964年《皇冠体育》第七条和1972年《皇冠体育官网》第九条, and Massachusetts General Laws. 检讨非法歧视及骚扰(包括性骚扰及不当性行为)的定义, see the 反对非法歧视、骚扰和报复政策 or the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

对投诉本通知所禁止的行为的个人进行报复, or for assisting in the investigation of such a complaint, is illegal and will not be tolerated. 任何报复行为将受到适当的纪律处分和制裁(如下所述).学院将调查有关本通知所禁止行为的投诉. 从事本通知所禁止的行为的人将受到纪律处分和制裁. Disciplinary actions and sanctions will vary, depending upon the facts, and may include (but are not limited to) reprimand, change in work assignment, loss of privileges, mandatory training, removal from classes, programs, activities and/or campus, suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, 和/或终止与学院的合同或其他关系.

Who to Contact with Questions and Where to File a Complaint

Wellesley students, employees, faculty, 访问者可以联系学院的第九条协调员,以解决有关本通知的问题或对本通知所禁止的行为提出投诉.

In addition, 任何韦尔斯利学生对本通知有疑问或对本通知所禁止的行为提出投诉,可以联系学院学生办公室主任. 学院的任何员工或访客对本通知有疑问或对本通知所禁止的行为提出投诉,可联系学院人力资源办公室. 学院的任何教员如对本通知有疑问或对本通知所禁止的行为提出投诉,可联系学院教务长办公室. 个人也可以向学院的校园警察局寻求帮助, and/or the local police, 皇冠体育举报不当性行为(或其他犯罪行为)的刑事投诉.

Additionally, 个人可以联系学院的无障碍和残疾资源,了解学院为合格员工提供合理便利的流程, candidates for employment, students, or applicants for admission to the College who are disabled.


学院将调查由员工(包括教师)或学生提出或针对员工(包括教师)或学生的违反本通知所禁止的行为的投诉. 审查学院禁止歧视和骚扰的全面政策,以及对员工提出投诉的程序, see the 反对非法歧视、骚扰和报复政策. 要审查学院的程序报告不当性行为,请参阅 Sexual Misconduct Policy.

The College, through its Campus Police Department, 是否会协助和(或)进行因某些犯罪行为的指控而需要其参与的行为调查.

The College, in its discretion and judgment, 是否可以确定针对非学院社区成员的性行为不端(或本通知禁止的其他行为)的指控可以在本通知的网站链接中所述的程序之外进行调查和解决, 并可采取临时行动,因为它认为适当的解决安全和保护学院和社区. 在这种情况下,学院的行为超出其程序, the College’s actions will be in accord with all relevant laws.


Title IX Coordinator
Justin Bell, 非歧视倡议主任和第九条协调员/504协调员, Schneider Center, 781-283-2451

Human Resources Office
Carolyn Slaboden, AVP for Human Resources & EO, Green Hall, 781-283-2216

Office of the Provost
Courtney Coile, Provost and Dean of the College, Green Hall, 781-283-3583

Dean of Students Office
Sheilah Shaw Horton, Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students, Green Hall, 781-283-2322
Dawn Montagna, Associate Dean of Students, Green Hall, 781-283-2322

克拉普图书馆无障碍与残疾资源主任, 781-283-1300

Campus Police Department
肯尼斯·沃尔什,校园警察总部公共安全主任, 781-283-2125

Local Police

Outside Government Agencies
In addition to the above, 认为自己受到非法性骚扰的个人, unlawful harassment, 非法歧视或非法报复可能会联系多个政府机构进行调查和/或向相关机构提出投诉. 使用学院的内部投诉程序并不禁止个人向政府机构提出投诉.

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
John F. Kennedy Federal Building:
475 Government Center Boston, MA 02203 Tel: (800) 669-4000; (617) 565-3200

U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
5 Post Office Sq., 8th Floor Boston, MA 02109-3921 Telephone: 617-289-0111

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)
Boston Office: 阿什伯顿广场1室601波士顿,MA 02108电话:(617)994-6000
Worcester Office:
484 Main Street, Room 320 Worcester, MA 01608 Tel: (508) 453 9630
Springfield Office:
New Bedford Office:
800 Purchase St., Rm 501 New Bedford, MA 02740 Tel: (508) 990-2390

Updated April 2024