Need-Based Loans

联邦直接贷款专为完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)并在符合条件的学校注册至少一半时间的学位或合格证书课程的学生设计. 没有信用检查或联名要求,也没有就业或收入证明. You must be a U. S. citizen or eligible non-citizen to participate in this program. More information can be found on the Federal Student Aid website.

Year in CollegeSubsidizedUnsubsidizedTotal Eligibility
First Year$3,500dependent: $2,000
independent: $6,000
dependent: $5,500
independent: $9,500
Sophomore$4,500dependent: $2,000
independent: $6,000
dependent: $6,500
independent: $10,500
Junior$5,500dependent: $2,000
independent: $7,000
dependent: $7,500
independent: $12,500
Senior$5,500dependent: $2,000
independent: $7,000
dependent: $7,500
independent: $12,500
Total Loan Limits$23,000dependent: $31,000
independent: $57,500

Qualifications: If you demonstrate financial need, as determined by federal regulations, you may receive a Direct Subsidized loan. 直接补贴贷款的利息是由联邦政府在你上学期间支付的. 如果你没有证明经济需要,你可能仍然有资格获得直接无补贴贷款. 在你上学期间,直接无补贴贷款产生的利息是你自己负责的. 你可以选择在每学年结束时支付利息或将其资本化并添加到贷款的本金余额中(继续学习的学生),或者当你开始还款时(毕业/分离的学生).

Repayment: 直接学生贷款在你离开学校(毕业或休假)六个月后开始偿还,或者如果你的注册时间低于一半. The standard repayment term is ten years. There are additional repayment plans available. 更改每月付款计划时,请注意长期利息应计影响.

Deferment: A deferment is an option available to postpone payments for a specified period of time. This option is limited and certain qualifications must be met in order to qualify. While on a deferment, interest does not accrue on Federal Direct Subsidized loans. Interest does continue to accrue on Federal Direct Unsubsidized loans.

Forbearance延期是一种选择,可以在一段指定的时间内推迟付款. This options is limited, but there are no qualifications to qualify. 而在一个忍耐利息继续累积在联邦直接补贴和联邦直接无补贴贷款.

Servicer所有联邦学生贷款都分配给联邦学生贷款服务机构(管理贷款偿还的公司)。. You are strongly encourage to contact your servicer to discuss all repayment options prior to taking any action.

Fees: 联邦直接贷款有固定的利率和贷款费用,由教育部评估. 贷款发起费用以首次支付日期为基础,每年10月1日更改.

For loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2024 and before July 1, 2025 the fixed interest rate is 6.53%; the fixed loan origination fee is 1.057%

The Plitt-Kirgan Loan 是否有一项5%的固定单息贷款,可以给予有相当经济需要的本科生. This specialized form of student financial aid is administered by Wellesley College.

Eligibility: Based on financial need; must be enrolled full time.

Loan amounts: $5,000 annual limit, with an aggregate limit of $20,000.

Fees: No fees.

Repayment: 学生在全日制或宽限期(离校后九个月)期间无需支付任何款项。. Maximum of ten years to repay loan.

The Students' Aid Society Loan 是否有一项5%的固定单息贷款,可以给予有相当经济需要的本科生. 这些资金由校友捐赠,但由学生金融服务管理. 可动用的款额是根据向基金捐款及以往学生资助会贷款借款人的还款纪录而厘定. The Students' Aid Society is independent of Wellesley College.

Eligibility: Based on financial need; must be enrolled half time.

Loan amounts: $4,000 annual limit, with an aggregate limit of $16,000.

Fees: No fees.

Repayment: 在你毕业或离校九个月后开始偿还学生援助协会贷款,还款期限至少为半日. The standard repayment term is five years.

The Wellesley College Loan is a 9 percent fixed simple interest rate loan, 通常授予有相当经济需求的国际本科生. This specialized form of student financial aid is administered by Wellesley College; a limited amount of funds is available each year.

Eligibility: This loan cannot be requested. SFS will offer the loan to eligible students based on demonstrated financial need.

Loan Amounts: $4,000 annual limit, with an aggregate limit of $20,000.

Fees: No fees.

Repayment: 皇冠体育贷款在你毕业或离开学校九个月后开始偿还,至少有一半的时间. The standard repayment term is ten years. 还有其他还款计划,如分期还款和延期还款,以尽量减少你的月供.

The Federal Perkins Loan 是否有一项5%的固定单息贷款可以发放给表现出相当经济需要的本科生和研究生. 这种特殊形式的学生经济援助不是由银行或教育部管理的, but by your school itself. As with all schools participating in the Federal Perkins Loan Program, Wellesley College had a limited amount of funds to offer each year. 资金数额由国会决定,并取决于以前珀金斯借款人的还款历史. As of June 30 2018, The Perkins Loan Program has been discontinued.

Repayment: Students in repayment should contact Heartland ECSI

Educational Assistance Program for military families: MOAA(美国军官协会)计划为军事人员的子女提供长达五年的本科学习的无息贷款以及有限数量的补助金. For more information, go to

Entrance loan counseling

入学咨询是联邦政府的一项要求,解释你作为借款人的权利和责任. 它旨在帮助您了解您的贷款义务的严重性和违约的后果. 它还将向您解释有关贷款计划的基本事实,并为您提供有关如何管理和偿还贷款的重要信息.


Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized & Unsubsidized): Complete online at

Plitt-Kirgan Loan: You will be notified via email:

Student Aid Loan: You will be notified by the Student's Aid Society to complete electronically

Wellesley College Loan: You will be notified via email:

Master promissory note (MPN)

主本票(MPN)是一种法律文件,您承诺偿还贷款和任何应计利息和费用. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s).

Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized & Unsubsidized): Complete online at

Plitt-Kirgan Loan: You will be notified via email:

Student Aid Loan: You will be notified by the Student's Aid Society to complete electronically

Wellesley College Loan: You will be notified via email:

Annual student loan acknowledgement (ASLA)

年度学生贷款确认(ASLA)可以在每年接受新的联邦学生贷款时完成. Students may complete the ASLA to borrow a federal student loan. Parents may complete the ASLA to borrow a federal parent student loan. The goal is to help borrowers understand how loans affect one's financial future.

Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized & Unsubsidized): Complete online at

Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan: Complete online at

Exit loan counseling

Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized & Unsubsidized): Complete online at

Plitt-Kirgan Loan: You will be notified by email from ECSI

Student Aid Loan: You will be notified by the Student's Aid Society to complete electronically

Wellesley College Loan: You will be notified by email from ECSI

Federal Perkins Loan: You will be notified by email from ECSI

Consolidation of loans

如果你已经有了FFEL (Stafford)计划贷款,现在将接受直接贷款, 合并你的斯塔福德和直接贷款计划贷款一起成为直接合并贷款可能使贷款偿还更容易. If you consolidate, you will have just a single monthly payment. 将您的斯塔福德贷款合并为直接合并贷款也可以让您利用仅在直接贷款计划中提供的某些好处, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness and the Income Contingent Repayment Plan.

To learn more about when you may consolidate, the pros and cons of doing so, and the application process, visit or call 800.557.7392 (TDD/TTY: 800.557.7395).

Loan forgiveness and cancelation

Student Financial Services

Schneider Center
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481