
The term “social services” is a broad umbrella that captures a range of career pathways. In this resource, we will outline those pathways that are focused on mental health and wellness. In addition, although we highlight here some career pathways that are common. 请看这里的网站 that details a huge range of career pathways in social services

在概述社会服务途径之前, you should embrace one thing — there can be considerable overlap in the actual day-to-day functions for these kinds of jobs. While the licensing and credentialing can seem to indicate large differences, it is also important to notice the overlaps as well.


There a huge range of social service entry-level jobs that require a bachelor's degree and related experiences. I will list a sample of these kinds of positions here, but there are so many more

  • 情况下工人/经理
  • 社会工作者
  • 老年病学的助手
  • 药物滥用顾问
  • 摄入官
  • 精神健康助理员
  • 住院治疗人员
  • Crisis response / psychological first aid specialist

这些只是例子, as there are many more roles that you can pursue after graduating Wellesley, and job titles change from organization-to-organization. The key to considering these entry-level roles is to look carefully at:

  • The basic duties — do they align with your qualifications, interests and career goals
    • If you do not have the needed qualifications, how can you begin to build these qualifications?
  • Population — these jobs can be very different depending on the population served
  • 监督——因为这些工作可能很复杂, it is important to ensure you will receive the supervision and support needed to serve your client

There are also a range of social service career pathways that require graduate study. While this resource does not go into detail about the graduate school application process. please see here for general information about researching and applying to graduate schools.


心理学 is a very broad field, and includes a range of subfields. Of those, two are focused on direct social service to clients/patients. Each of these pathways requires a doctoral degree, and licensure at the state level. There can be much overlap in terms of the kinds of services provided, including

  • 谈话疗法
  • 心理评估
  • 咨询

Regardless of which of these specialties you might pursue, it is very important to look at programs that are accredited by the American Psychological Association — 这是他们的程序数据库.

  • 临床心理学
  • 咨询心理学
    • Primary focus - full range of human function and development
      • 可以选择专注于精神病理学
      • But, generally speaking, more of a focus on working with people across functional levels
      • NOTE: focus will depend on graduate program and doctoral internships placements
    • May work in a range of settings - setting will be dictated by area of focus
    • 有关此途径的更多信息,请参阅此处


The field of professional counseling is similar to counseling psychology in many ways, 咨询师提供谈话治疗/咨询, 进行一些形式的评估, and consult with other professionals about client needs. The primary difference is that counselors scope of practice is more limited regarding the kinds of psychological assessments that can be used and interpreted.

There are several specialties, all of which require a master’s-level degree. 特色包括:

  • 临床心理健康咨询
  • 成瘾辅导
  • 康复咨询
  • 学校心理咨询
  • 大学咨询
  • 婚姻,夫妻和家庭咨询
  • 职业咨询

在考虑研究生项目时, it is very important to think about where you will practice, 因为每个州都有不同的执照要求. If you are not sure where you will live and work in the future, 最好参加CACREP认证的课程(请参阅此处查看这些程序的完整列表), as these programs very often as used by states as the “gold standard” for meeting state requirements. If you want to know more about requirements for a specific state, 这是州委员会的皇冠体育.


Although it is possible to work in social work role with a bachelor’s degree, many people pursue more advanced levels of social work practice through graduate studies. Such programs qualify students for more advances licensure at the state level as well. Social work licensing requirements care very QUITE widely, so be sure to research licensure requirements in your state(s) of interest (here is a resource to get you started on learning more about social work licensure). 在考虑社会工作的研究生课程时, you should consider programs accredited by the Council on 社会工作 Education (CSWE) (这是他们的认证项目目录).

社会工作者s may work more with directly individuals/clients/families, 在更系统/行政的层面上, 或者两者的某种组合. 社会工作的专业领域包括:

  • 公共卫生
  • 心理健康
  • 药物使用/滥用
  • 儿童福利
  • 学校(k - 12)
  • 修正
  • 老年医学
  • 学习更多

As you can see, there are a variety of settings and roles to pursue in K-12 education. In addition to research the information above, you can also: